The Project

The Canterbury’s Aphra Behn project aims to reintroduce Aphra to a new audience and re-establish her place as an important historical figure that the people of Canterbury can claim with pride.

The project is a partnership between Loughborough and Canterbury Christ Church University, working together with local groups who are already doing wonderful work to raise awareness of Aphra Behn and her legacy as a daughter of Canterbury, including the Aphra Behn Society of Canterbury, and the A is for Aphra statue campaign.

Our year of events is well underway, and includes a wide range of activities for locals, tourists, students, and participants of all ages and levels of knowledge about Aphra. All our events are underpinned by the extensive research and knowledge of the project team, and will include talks, walks, and the first production of Aphra’s play ‘The Amorous Prince’ in 350 years, as well as an exciting exhibition at the Beaney House of Art and Knowledge 

Canterbury’s Aphra Behn is determined to get Aphra’s name and achievements back into the public spotlight. She is an extraordinary example of an early woman professional, working in a world where women were extremely limited in their ability to forge their own careers. She wrote from a woman’s perspective about the restrictions placed on women by her society, about sexuality, colonialism, and many other matters of pressing importance today. Her characters are passionate, rebellious, and outspoken. Visit our other pages to find out more about Behn, her work, and her world, and check out events page to find out all about our programme of Aphra activities.

Upcoming events

Whether it’s music, drama, walking tours, or learning about the past that you enjoy, there will be something here for you.